
Showing posts from June, 2009

Great day for a ride.

I started out at 9:00 AM EDT for my daily ride. I rode 11.79 miles on my South Middlebush Road extended route. My average speed was 13 Mph and my max speed was 24.1 Mph. I burnt 540 calories and my average Heart rate was 147 Bpm while my max Heart Rate was 169 Bpm. My total elevation gain for today was 501 feet.

I am out of shape or maybe not!

T his morning I looked out and the sun was shinning and I headed out the door before the rain. I rode 10.05 miles against some strong winds. Either there are no discernable winds or there are strong winds, nothing in between. The length of the ride was a little under 48 minutes. My average speed was 12.6 Mph and a Max speed of 23.2 Mph. My average heart rate was 143 Bpm and a max heart rate of 167 Bpm. I burnt 453 calories and climbed 157 feet. I had a hard time with the wind in my face 90% of the time. I was about ready to give up and head home, but i pushed myself so I could avoid that.

Debris patch on the road to disaster!

T odays ride was on my normal training loop where I traveled 10.7 miles at an average speed of 12.5 Mph and a max speed of 26.5 Mph. Todays elevation gain was 333' and I burnt 449 calories. My average heart rate was 142 Bpm and a Max heart rate of 169 Bpm. The ride lasted 48 minutes in very humid and cloudy weather. A s most of us know there is a debris patch formed at corners where cars and trucks deposit anything and everything when turning. Usually it consists of gravel, sand and numerous other things. Today I was traveling at around 13 Mph and was preparing to make a right turn from the shoulder. As I came near the corner I was then able to see a landscapers truck parked off the corner, which would force me into a wider turn. This wider path brought me into the center of the debris patch, and that is where my problem began. I was leaning into thee turn when all of a sudden the rear wheel spun out in the direction of the turn. Before I knew it or could react I was facing the ...

Trying to beat the storm

I left for my ride a little late today as I was watching the weather very closely. We have had nothing but rain for weeks here on the East cost. Well I left finally and the sun was shinning, and I thought I was in for a pleasant. After I was about 6 miles from home in the middle of some very open land and no place for shelter the sky turned black, and the clouds started to move in very fast. I knew now I would either take my time and get soaked or worse. I decided to make a run for it. I had 4 miles to make it home and I put the pedal to the metal and ran for it. I made it home just in time. N ow for my ride report. I rode 10.02 miles at an average speed of 12.6 Mph and a max speed of 33.7 Mph. My average heart rate was 72 Bpm and a max heart rate of 153 Bpm. I had an elevation gain of 309 feet and I burnt 470 calories. I am hoping to give a jump start to my metabolism, as I need to loose 7 lbs as I can feel it in my back.

Glorious riding weather

I headed out at 9:30 AM for my ride not expecting to good a ride as I didn't sleep well last night. I had dinner at 7:30 last night and we finished a bottle of wine. That is something we don't do often and when I even have one glass is does not let me sleep. OK back to the ride! I used my South Middlebush Road training loop which as some moderate hills and but very few areas where there is any appreciable down hill runs. I rode 10.2 miles with an average speed of 12.4 Mph and a maximum speed of 22.9 Mph. I burnt 469 calories and my average heart beat was 149 Bpm. The temperature was a nice 69° with the wind out of the South West at 6 to 11 Mph. The total elevation was 941' Elevation gain was 509' and Elevation Lost 432'.

A fool rides on!

Y esterday I started out with a very good attitude and ended up feeling like a fool. In the first five miles things started to go wrong. First I was on a two way street with one lane in each direction and I came to a traffic light. I pulled into the middle of the lane so any cars couldn't pull along side as I was going straight. A women pulls up on my left and is now alongside me half in my lane and half in the opposing lane. When the light changed to green she moved forward and started to make a right turn directly in front of me. I had to jamb on my brakes and swerve right to avoid getting hit. What a way to start a ride. Now the next problem arose when I pulled to the side of the road to take a drink, and I applied my two parking brakes since I was at the top of the hill. After taking my drink I started down hill but felt like it was hard to pedal. I continued on my way and felt I had no more strength in my legs. I couldn't figure out why I was having such a hard time. I got...