
Showing posts from July, 2009

New Handcycle builder

T he other day I came across a relatively new Handcycle manufacturer located in San Diego CA. The trike like vechicle is a fantastic way for a rider to build upper body strength. The trike uses 700c wheels all around and is configured much like a Delta trike with two wheels in the back and one in the front. The trike costs $1599 and up depending on the equipment selected. I you are disabled and want to firm up and work on your cardiovascular health or a non disabled rider that want to build upper body strength this is for you. Here is the link to the company.

Early start, but slower ride.

I headed out early this morning for my ride as I have an appointment today. I rode 10.07 miles in 46.50 minutes at an average speed of 12.9 miles per hour and a max speed of 23.2 miles per hour. I burnt 461 calories and my average heart rate was 140 Bpm while my max heart rate was 168 Bpm. My total elevation gain was 238 feet. I bought a Garmin Nuvi GPS for our car, but an added benefit is that it can be used on the trike with an added mount. There is even a waterproof case available, but I don't plan on getting it. I tested the Nuvi 255WT on a trip to Long Island, NY yesterday and it proved very accurate. I really don't know how much use I will get out of it on the trike, but in the car it will come in handy.

Running ahead of the rain

T odays ride did not go as planned. I had planned to do a 20 mile +/- ride on local rural rodes, but that idea went away at mile six. When I reached mile six I looked into my rear-view mirror and all I saw was dark ominous clouds. Next thing the wind started to build and I decided I better race for home. I made it in time to add air to my tires before the wind and rain hit. I rode 10.06 miles in 46 minutes and my average speed was 12.9 Mph while my max speed was 21.7 Mph. I burnt 462 calories and my resting heart rate was 72 Bpm and my average HR was 138 Bpm. My max HR was 151 Bpm and I had an elevation gain of 678 feet.

Riding into a wall of wind!

I headed out this morning to do my local loop, and ran into my old nemesis the strong winds. The winds today were a constant no matter which direction I went. I assume it is from the way our town is situated. I rode 10.06 miles at an average speed of 13.0 Mph and a max speed of 22.1 Mph. I burnt 470 calories and climbed 528'. I have no heart rate readings for today as I rushed out and forgot to put the chest transmitter on. Oh well i will remember next time. W hile riding I went into one of those ever present potholes, but I don't think I did any damage, but I will check the right wheel very closely before my next ride.

Here we go again!

A nother day with strong winds, but I guess I should be happy as it isn't raining yet. I rode 10.16 miles in 46 minutes and burnt 485 calories. my average speed was 13.2 Mph and my max speed was 26.1 Mph. My average heart rate was 144 Bpm while my max HR was 167 Bpm. I gained 252 feet of elevation on this ride.

Another nice ride but lots of wind.

I am getting very tired of complaining about the strange weather we have had here on the East Coast. For the last few years we have had very unusual weather consisting of strong winds and lots of rain. Even with the strong winds I rode another 10.08 miles in 46 minutes with an average speed of 13.1 Mph and a max speed of 23.2 Mph. My average Heart Rate was 146 Bpm and my Max HR was 165 Bpm. I burnt 499 calories and had an elevation gain of 369 feet.

Strong Winds but nice ride

T oday is Independence day and we have lots to do. I went out early for my ride and had a great training ride. I rode 10.03 miles at an average speed of 13.00 Mph and a top speed of 23.1 mph. I burnt 477 calories fand had an elevation gain of 303 feet. My average heart rate was 150 Bpm and my max HR was 170 Bpm. The winds were very strong and I didn't think I would have such a high average speed. I don't think I will ride tomorrow unless i get up real early.