
Showing posts from August, 2008

I was a slowpoke today

I am not sure what caused it, but I was unable to keep a constant speed. I rode for 1 hour and six minutes and covered 15.15 miles at an average speed of 13.8 mph and a max speed of 23.5 mph. I just felt weak and unable to have what I feel is a normal ride which means not killing myself. The weather was nice with a temperature of 72 degrees and the wind from the West at 8-15 mph, but the gusts seemed much stronger.

First ride in a while

D o to bad weather and Sciatica pain I was unable to ride untill today. I rode my usual route and covered 15.15 miles in one hour 6 minutes at an average speed of 13.7 mph and a max speed of 25.3 mph. I burnt 723 calories and my average heart rate was 143 bpm. The weather was a cool 68 degrees with the wind out of the SW at 8 mph. My total elevation gain was 624 feet. I received my new 200 Lumen bike light yesterday and am highly impressed with how bright it is. If I have some time I will take a photo of it in the on position.

Unable to ride yesterday and today

D o to severe pain in my left leg I was unable to ride, I hope this isn't a sign of things to come. I want to get as much riding in as possible before my vacation and the following surgery. Tomorrow riding is out so Monday will be my first day riding. Tuesday is out as I have to go for pre-admission testing and it takes a long time. I guess i will play it by ear.

Training with pain is a downer!

I started my ride at 9:15 AM and was surprised when I hit traffic which was very heavy. I rode 15.17 miles in one hour four minutes at an average speed of 14.1 mph and a max speed of 26.7 mph. I burnt 749 calories and my average heart rate was 142 bpm. The weather was a cool 75 degrees under partly cloudy skies. The wind was from the WNW at 5-9 mph. Total elevation gain was 639'. M y new light was shipped from Hong Kong today and should be here within 10 to 15 days.

Great riding day

I left at 9:30 AM for my daily ride, and was in a huge amount of pain. But as usual after a few minutes in the seat of the trike the pain went away. I rode for one hour and 3 minutes and covered 15.11 miles at an average speed of 14.3 mph and a max speed of 21.8 mph. I burnt 749 calories and climbed 650'. My average heart rate was 142 bpm which has not changed much. The temperature was 78 degrees with a wind from the North at 8 to 10 mph. T oday's ride has given me a new prospective on life and living with pain. It seems like the only time I am at peace with my body is when I am ridding my trike or sleeping. There is no amount of pain killers that seem to work for me during the day so I will have to bear it as there is nothing else I could do. I can't believe I am going to say this, but I can't wait to have the surgery as I don't know how I will manage without it. I ordered a new front like off EBay and hope it gets here before I leave on vacation, it should if t...

I will never get accustomed to this wind!

I left at 8:45 AM for my daily ride thinking that the wind might not be as strong! WRONG!!. I ran my usual South Middlebush Road training loop for a distance of 15.17 miles at an average speed of 13.6 and a max speed of 25.0 mph. I burnt 742 calories and had an average running heart rate of 131 bpm. My total elevation gained was 831 feet. The wind today was from the North at 10 mph gusting to 15 mph making the climbing hard. The temperature was a warm and humid 80 degrees.

Windy Sunday ride.

T his morning after changing the battery on my computer I headed out for a ride. I rode for one hour 5 minutes and covered 15.18 miles along my usual training loop. My average speed was 13.8 mph while my max speed was 25.4 mph. I burnt 716 calories and my average exercise heart rate was 141 bpm. The weather was nice with a temperature of 76 degrees, but the wind was out of the North at 9-15 mph. The wind keeps my average speed way lower than I expect. W ell it is time to go out a clean the trike it is dirtier than I like it to be.

Real bad ride today and my own fault!

M y left leg has been extremely painful so I have been using pain killers. This morning I awoke to lots of pain and a medicine head. I still decided to ride and headed out. I was having a hard time between the wind and the groggy head. I rode for 53 minutes and covered 12.23 miles before i called it quits. I had an average speed of 13.8 mph and a max speed of 22.5 mph. My average heart rate was 136 bpm and I climbed 555 feet and burnt 592 calories. The temperature was a perfect 72 degrees with a winds from the WNW at 10 mph gusting to 20 mph. I am going to try to work through the pain as I hate the medicine head feeling.