I left at 9:30 AM for my daily ride, and was in a huge amount of pain. But as usual after a few minutes in the seat of the trike the pain went away. I rode for one hour and 3 minutes and covered 15.11 miles at an average speed of 14.3 mph and a max speed of 21.8 mph. I burnt 749 calories and climbed 650'. My average heart rate was 142 bpm which has not changed much. The temperature was 78 degrees with a wind from the North at 8 to 10 mph. T oday's ride has given me a new prospective on life and living with pain. It seems like the only time I am at peace with my body is when I am ridding my trike or sleeping. There is no amount of pain killers that seem to work for me during the day so I will have to bear it as there is nothing else I could do. I can't believe I am going to say this, but I can't wait to have the surgery as I don't know how I will manage without it. I ordered a new front like off EBay and hope it gets here before I leave on vacation, it should if t...