Schwalbe Tire Update July 3
Yesterday July 3rd I received the Marathon tire I ordered on So if all goes well I will go to my LBS and get a new tube and have it filled with Tru-Goo. While I am there I will have the tire mounted. I will be glad to get on the road again. To be honest the next few days are going to be near 100℉, so ridding might be hard. I intend to try, and if I don't do as many miles as I hope to so what! I spoke to Schwalbe regarding the replacement and was told a container is due to arrive in two weeks. If the tire is not on that container it will not come until late August. I hope it comes soon as I would have preferred to mount the two new tires and save the older as a spare.
During my non ridding time I had time to make a few modifications.
1. Removed the fenders. (I prefer the clean look) I also don't ride in bad weather.
2. I designed and fabricated a new computer sensor mount to replace the mount on the fender.
During my non ridding time I had time to make a few modifications.
1. Removed the fenders. (I prefer the clean look) I also don't ride in bad weather.
2. I designed and fabricated a new computer sensor mount to replace the mount on the fender.