What's new and service report.

I won't be riding today as my back went out on me today after unloading the trike from the Santa Fe. It usually goes back to normal in a day or so. I am hoping it is back in by tomorrow as the weather looks very promising for a ride. Wednesday looks like there will be rain and another day of no riding. But I will wait it out. Thursday and Friday will not be riding days as my son David is going into the hospital for Crohns surgery. We are hoping that all goes well and he is out of the hospital this weekend. Most depends if his pain is tolerable and he is able to eat and clear his bowels.

This morning I intended to ride but while shifting gears my front dérailleurs cable snapped. Not sure what caused it but I loaded the trike in the Santa Fe and headed for Halters Cycle in South Brunswick for a quick repair. Halters service can't be beat, they always come through with a repair when needed. In a few minutes Chris had the problem fixed and I was on my way. For those of you that ride a recumbent and need general repairs that don't require special parts, I highly recommend halters as a shop to deal with as they are very capable in bicycle repairs. For information about Halters. I guess I bent the wrong way when loading and unloading the trike, that is why I sit here in pain.

I spoke to Sigma USA today regarding when my replacement computer will be shipped and I was told it would go out today. I was looking to replace my Zoic Vigor shorts and found out they no longer make them and there is no supply of old stock available. So after searching for shorts that have my requirements I ordered a pair of Mt Borah Bent Shorts. I have had other shorts, but was not that happy with them, but these look like they have a softer material. I will write a mini review regarding these shorts when I receive them. They are expected here on the 17th.


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