Almost a very expensive day & some good news!

This morning I rode to Halters Cycles for him to shorten the front cable and while there my computer disappeared. We weren't sure if it was stolen by some kids or it fell off while riding. I didn't notice it until I got home, but I am sure it happened at the shop. Jason said that it should have not come off so easy, so I should call Sigma. Well I thought that the call would be a waste of time, but I called anyway. I got a fellow that asked what the problem was, and I explained the facts and he calmly said that it was Sigma's fault and it would be replaced. I was taken back and very surprised and asked "him why?" He explained that on the model I own that has the twist-lock mount that they made an error in design which allowed the computers to not engage the mount properly. Well he took my name and address and said the new one would be sent today and I should have it next week.

Back to the dérailleur cable situation! The front cable was interfering with the cadence magnet on the front left crank and I had it pulled to one side. I thought that a cable noodle would move the cable out of the way and solve the problem. Well it would, but it would add friction to the cable line. Jason recommended a Avid Rollamajig which I already have on my rear dérailleur which helps a huge amount in smoothing out the shifting. So I said "Go ahead and do what was necessary!" This $6.00 job was well worth it, and I was lucky that Halters even carries these as they have been out of production for a while.

ore good, I drove my son and daughter in law to NYC yesterday to meet with a surgeon. The surgeon agreed that David was in a tremendous amount of pain and moved him to the top of the list for surgery. He will undergo the procedure next Thursday, and we are praying that this will give him relief of his pain. It's not usual that a patient asks to be operated on, but in David's case I truly understand why he would be so anxious to have it done.


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