Getting ready to blue the parts.

This morning I removed the steering brackets from the trike and proceeded to dip them in paint remover to get off all the paint and underlying primer. The paint and primer came off after waiting for 15 minutes for it to work. I carefully used a straight edge razor to scrap off the remaining paint. After the removal I used some very fine steel wool to smooth out the surface and get any paint out of the nooks. Now I wanted to have a circular pattern on the parts so that any imperfections wouldn't show instead of keeping the original brushed finish. I put a wire brush bit in my Dremel tool and hit the brackets in a random pattern. The result was circular pattern on the surface of the bracket. I think they will look real nice after I dip them in the bluing and blacking chemicals. The next and final step was to wash them real well using dish washing detergent which removes the grease. I dried the brackets and placed each set in a Ziploc bag and sealed them in., to prevent oil or fingerprints to get on them. According to Federal Express the chemicals will be here on Friday, which is three days earlier than the Bass Pro Shop told me. I am not complaining as the pieces need overnight to cure before placing them on the trike. Blackening the tie-rod will be the challenge as the chemical can't remain on the surface fro more than a minute. I think if I properly seal the rod on each end with masking tape and plastic Ziploc bags I won't have to much a problem. I will display the results here when finished.


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