Independence Day Ride

Today I met up with some friends and we decided to ride along river road which runs parallel to the canal. The plan sounded great, but as usual the plans don't necessarily work. We ran into all types of crazy car drivers in the first 10 minutes, so we changed the route to ride along the opposite bank of the canal. This worked out very nice and we were able to ride a nice twenty miles before we loaded the trikes up and headed home. The bikes on the ride consisted of my trike and one Bike-E and one DF bike, but by the time we were ridding thirty minutes we picked up another ten bikes and one more trike a Greenspeed GT. The ride was fun and we now have some new ridding friends. The weather for this ride was 86 degrees with a wind out of the WNW at 6 MPH. It was a little cloudy, but a good day for getting a bad sunburn.


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