The Clouds have lifted for now!

This morning I awoke to partly cloudy skies, with a bright sun filtering between the clouds. That was my queue to change into my biking shorts and jersey, and head out for a ride. Thunderstorms were expected this afternoon, so an early ride was on the agenda. I was like a new person, only a slight bit of back pain, and that was gone after a few laps on my local training course. There was also an unusual amount of traffic on the local streets, could be a lot of people put off things they had to do because of the horrible weather the past few days.

I had missed a few days riding and I felt it was a little harder to get moving today. Probably it is all in my head, and I needed the incentive to move my lazy butt. Once I got started I did my 10 miles without a problem. It is amazing how wide a berth people in cars and trucks give me when they pass. Some even ride into the next lane. Strange since I am all the way to the far right or on the shoulder if there is one.

In a prior entry in this blog I had said I won't purchase from again because of there lousy shipping policy and the way they handle there orders. But as you saw from yesterdays entry I didn't listen to my own advise and ordered the heart rate monitor from them. No my reasoning was that Performance Bike had the same unit for $29.99 US and Nashbar was $25.95 US a small $4.00 US difference, but Performance also wanted more for shipping. I guess if I want to spend less I will have to put up with there USPS shipping at UPS rates. As soon as I get it I will mount it on the trike and give it a test. Yesterday I tried one from Radio Shack which was much less expensive, but I had to return it since it didn't work. Sigma Sport is a much better brand and I should have stuck with that, but again I tried to save a few bucks.


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