I am using this blog to pass on my experiences with my new ActionBent recumbent trike. I will showcase my upgrades and improvements, and my riding experiences.
This morning I took my first ride of the season I went the back roads to Etra Lake park and road the sandy trail, it isn't a suitable ride for a trike. There were areas that were so sandy that the tires just wouldn't grip so I was forced to ride the grass on the edge. I then left the park and road local roads back home. I then came home to meet my wife for a 2.5 mile walk. I had some bad leg cramps while riding but worked through them.
I t has been three days since my last ride and I am bored silly. There seems to be no end to the constant down pour. I am hoping we get some clearing this afternoon, so maybe if the roads dry I can get out on the road. I installed the Sigma Sport PC-3 Heart Rate Monitor on its custom mount. I was able to get it working, but due to the excessive hair on my chest the signal was not constant. I removed some hair in the area the transmitter goes and I got it working. I might have to shorten the hair even more for good readout. The Black Widow now has three separate computers. One for Speedometer One for Cadence and One for Heart Rate. The two photos are self explanatory. UPDATE: After the storm passed and in between showers I headed for the open road. I planned on doing at least 14 miles if the rain stayed away, but I would have been happy with a few miles. I was on my tenth mile when doing 30 MPH on a slight downhill when I came to a curve in the road. The trike handled the curves real...
I won't be riding today as my back went out on me today after unloading the trike from the Santa Fe. It usually goes back to normal in a day or so. I am hoping it is back in by tomorrow as the weather looks very promising for a ride. Wednesday looks like there will be rain and another day of no riding. But I will wait it out. Thursday and Friday will not be riding days as my son David is going into the hospital for Crohns surgery. We are hoping that all goes well and he is out of the hospital this weekend. Most depends if his pain is tolerable and he is able to eat and clear his bowels. T his morning I intended to ride but while shifting gears my front dérailleurs cable snapped. Not sure what caused it but I loaded the trike in the Santa Fe and headed for Halters Cycle in South Brunswick for a quick repair. Halters service can't be beat, they always come through with a repair when needed. In a few minutes Chris had the problem fixed and I was on my way. For those of you that r...