I tried for a bearing test ride, but things didn't go as planned.

I started out this morning with intentions to give the new bearings a test. I first pulled on the wheels to check for play and there was none, a good thing.  I then headed out for my ride. The only true test would be to see if my speed increased etc.  Well that idea didn't bear any fruit as there was a very strong headwind of 15 mph.  But all in all my average speed even with the wind increased to 15.1 mph and my max speed was 24.7 mph. I did the 10.13 miles in 40:11 minutes.  I burnt 532 calories and my Average HR was 151 bpm while my Max HR was 166 bpm which seems to be normal for me. The temperature at the start of my ride was 67℉ and at the end of my ride it was 70℉. My stats are below:

While I was riding I kept on hearing a taping noise and thought it was coming from the rear of the trike.  I checked everything and figured out it was the flag staff hitting the inside of the hole in the second support.  I then decided to slip some heat shrink tubing over the shaft and shrink it. The noise is gone now. I might post a photo of the fix later.
Prior to adding Grommet
Prior to adding Grommet


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