Back in the saddle again!

Well this is my first ride in a long time do to a few issues. The first main issue was that I was baby sitting contractors repairing my home after a huge March storm. The next issue was that I contracted Poison Ivy on my body and in my throat. I guess I could have ridden with the stuff on my body, but the stuff in my throat made it impossible.

I rode 10.09 miles in 51.08 minutes. My average speed was 11.8 mph while my top speed was 22.8 mph. I was not to happy with these results and will have to work harder. I burnt 506 calories and my average Heart Rate was 139 bpm and my max Heart Rate was 159 bpm. I also climbed 180' during the ride.

Below is my Garmin Connect status report.

Update: After I got back home I noticed that my right wheel seemed out of round after removing the fenders. I looked closer and realized I had a bulge across the tread of the tire. I looked closer and as I did the tube escaped the tire through the bulge and burst. I have since contacted Schwalbe via their warranty form.  The form asks for a production code from the inside of the tire. I removed the tire and found no production code stamped in the tire, I hope they don't give me any problems as the tire has 400 +/- miles on it.  I also noticed that they are out of stock on the Marathon HS-368 tires.  So I ordered a new one on Amazon.


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