Progress and the waiting game!

As you know I was supposed to receive my handlebars yesterday but UPS in their ultimate wisdom delayed it for weather reasons. Weather reasons what a laugh, as the mail wasn't delayed, nor any other service got screwed up. Well I write this as I wait for delivery today, and as usual they are very late.  During the waiting I gave the chain another try and I had it opened and the new chain tube installed. One less thing for the LBS to do.  I will be purchasing a Park Master Link tool at the LBS if it is in stock, if not off to the Internet I will go. I still have other projects to do, but they all take cash which I have allocated for my new MacBook Pro.  I hope Apple refreshes the MacBook Pro very soon as it is overdue.

I am hoping that we get some warmer weather moving in to the area soon as I am getting cabin fever. I am ready to get my daily workouts in and get out of the house for a few hours a day as I am getting pale from lack of sunlight. I will go back to my doing nothing now as it is 4:22 PM and there is nothing else to do until I prepare dinner.

UPDATE:  At 5:00 PM UPS showed up with my beautiful handlebars, and tomorrow they will be installed. The look great, I will not be able to use Bar-Ends to hold the computers etc. But I think I have it figured out so there will not be a problem. My only problem is the mirrors, which I lost the large wedges. I can order the parts from the mfg. so if I can't find them it will just mean a short delay to completion. I was able to use some rubber and wedge them in so that too is not a permanent problem. Tomorrow if time allows I will post a photos or photos of the completed setup. I am confident that my mounting of the computers will work out, but we will see for sure tomorrow.


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