One mount complete
As of yesterday I completed one mount and the layout looks good. I won't know for sure until the handles are installed. The two handles were going to be drilled yesterday, so I am hoping they are returned to me this weekend.
As you can see by the above photos I changed the right mount to include the mounting stub as I did on the left mount. This method brings the pod closer to the wheel, giving me more cockpit space.
UPDATE: I spoke to Chris this morning and he told me that the handlebars were drilled out and they now fit the bar-end shifters. Monday I will trike the trike to Halters Cycle to have the work completed. I will install the mounts by myself and finish the wiring needed for the horn button. The handlebars need end caps so I asked Chris if he has the stem caps in 1" I figure they will do the job. They might need 1 1/8" star nuts as I think 1" will be to small in diameter. After that is done I will have one more thing left to do on the trike.
One pair of Carbon water bottle cages. For the seat back. I can't think of anything else, but I am sure I will find something.
As you can see by the above photos I changed the right mount to include the mounting stub as I did on the left mount. This method brings the pod closer to the wheel, giving me more cockpit space.
UPDATE: I spoke to Chris this morning and he told me that the handlebars were drilled out and they now fit the bar-end shifters. Monday I will trike the trike to Halters Cycle to have the work completed. I will install the mounts by myself and finish the wiring needed for the horn button. The handlebars need end caps so I asked Chris if he has the stem caps in 1" I figure they will do the job. They might need 1 1/8" star nuts as I think 1" will be to small in diameter. After that is done I will have one more thing left to do on the trike.
One pair of Carbon water bottle cages. For the seat back. I can't think of anything else, but I am sure I will find something.