Computer and Mirror Mounts are Complete

This morning I continued building and fabricating the new right and left computer mounts. They came out real nice and they should be easy to install. The only question will be if they should be mounted on the inside or outside of the cockpit. I am also not sure if the alarm will stay where it is, or in another location.

Below is a photo of both left and right mounts.
The mount on the right of the photo is the left mount and the other is the right.

UPDATE: I heard from Chris at my LBS and he informed me that the drilling of the handlebars to accept the bar-end shifters will be done by the weekend.  That was a pleasant surprise that it can be done and done so fast. I will be glad when this is over with.  I don't remember having so hard a job on a Black Widow upgrade.

This morning I checked with Firetiki to see if my Black Widow patch was shipped and he told me it went out in the morning post.  So I guess at least five days to the right coast from the left coast.  I will post a photo of the neckrest when it is complete.


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