The black Widow ready for the road

This afternoon I put a final coat of Color Wax on the frame and rechecked everything. As of now I think she is ready for the road. All that is left to do is the Carbon Bottle Cages and the camera mount. Both items are in transit and I have no idea how long before they arrive.  Below are two photos taken today showing the new steering and neckrest with the Black Widow logo.
As you can see from the above photo there is very little that has not changed on the Black Widow.  I have even lowered the seat for a more reclined riding position.  The lowering of the seat is something I have wanted to do for a while, but never had the guts to drill the seat in 7 places.

UPDATE: After posting this I received the suggestion that I paint the horn cone black and that is what I did. photo below.


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