Trike Alignment

One of the hardest parts of owning a trike is wheel alignment. On my trike the wheels have a camber and should be parallel to each other. Other trikes the wheels might be perpendicular and must have a minimum amount of toe-in.  The basic method to align a trike like mine is to measure between the rims at the same elevation (Axel Height) at front and rear of wheel. Since my trike has the frame and other obstacles in the way another method has to be done.  The  best way was to measure the distance between the wheels at 10:00 o'clock at the rear and 2:00 o'clock at the front. Of course the tool used must be level for an accurate measurement. I built a tool a few years back and have refined it today. I added rubber caps at each end to protect the wheel and a measuring tape on the slider for better accuracy. Below are two photos showing my device.


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