Hot! Hot! Hot! & Windy

We had another power failure at 2:30 AM and ended 11:30 AM which meant another late start for my ride. I was able to get out on the road at 12:00 PM and rode for one hour twenty four minutes and twenty eight seconds, and completed 16.54 miles. During this ride I fought the strong winds of 11 mph with gusts exceeding 23 mph, made this ride a real killer. The temperature of 96 degrees didn't help either, but I really need the exercise, if I want to keep the weight off and my pain level at a reasonable amount. The less I ride the more pain I am in. I burnt 801 calories and my average speed was 11.76 and my max speed was 25.90 mph. There were times that I couldn't break the 10 mph ceiling because of the wind, it felt like I was riding on three flat tires, what a drag!

seem to be having some sound problems with my cable setup on the trike, so I am going to use some contact cleaner and try again tomorrow. What makes me think it is a dirty contact is that if I jiggle the wires it works well.


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