Convoluted ride to bike shop.

This afternoon I decided to combine my daily ride with a ride to my LBS for an adjustment to my rear bar-end shifter. The shifter became loose so I figured I would get it tightened before something happens. In order to get to my LBS I have to ride on Route One which is a very dangerous road. I took a route through Dayton Deans which I forgot has some long climbs, to avoid the dangerous road. I gained 164 feet in a short distance and if it wasn't for the Q-Rings I would have had to get off the trike. I got to the LBS and he was very busy, but as always he fixed my problem within 10 minutes and I was on my way home. The route home was through Kendall Park, and Middlebush a total ride of 17.05 miles. My average speed was 13.43 mph and my max speed was 13.43 mph, and I burnt 826 calories. The weather was as follows, 80 degrees with winds from the NW at 9-16 mph.


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