Ride report and strange Adeo errors.

Today I went on my daily ride early as the temperature is heading into the 90 degree area. I rode 20.01 miles and burnt 872 calories. My average speed was 12.41 and a max speed of 25.70mph. The temperature was 78 at the start of my ride and 82 by the end. The wind was from the North at 5-7mph.

Now for the Adeo problem. I was at the 15 mile marker on my loop when all of a sudden all the Adeo voice prompts started to give mileage, speed and even calories in amounts not possible on this planet. I have sent an email to both the president of MotionLingo and the tech support team. Below are two screen captures from todays ride, notice the scroll bar and speed and calories. If you are able to see the mileage recorded was 325.22 miles and the average speed was 44.44mph and calories burnt was 15,161, I would be faster than the fastest ever recorded.


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