Steering Project Update.

his afternoon Tom contacted me regarding his steering modification kit. As of now he has made the brackets and ran a few test rides. He found that the tie-rod ends we have way to much play and will not be suitable. But all is not lost. Tom contacted the manufacturer and found that there is a suitable replacement which has a PTFE Teflon bushing container which is made for our use. I contacted McMaster Carr regarding returning the others and replacing them with the Teflon version. They will be shipped here to the New Jersey office for pickup tomorrow. I will try for tomorrow, but will probably get them Friday. Tonight Tom will prime the brackets and get them ready for a first coat of paint. I am really excited about testing this system, as it reduces the turning radius and improves steering stability. A long term test will of course determine its true worth, but preliminary reports show great promise. I will test it at speed on my local ride that has the back to back 90 degree turns. on the left is a CAD drawing of the bracket. As I progress with testing I will update this Blog.

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