New Mount for Speakers

For a while now I have been using a set of portable stereo speakers for my MP3 player and my Adeo GPS trainer. The mount was a little flimsy to say the least. The speakers would rattle and bounce about hitting the rear rack. I had come up with a mount, but it still wasn't what I wanted. I finally came up with a new mount which I am hopping will take the abuse of ridding the roads around here. As you can see by the photo the speakers are around 4 inches from the back of my head. Having the speakers far behind my head allows me to hear the speakers as well as the traffic around me. One of the most dangerous things about listening to music while riding is that you have to be able to hear the noises around you otherwise you are looking for desaster.
I am waiting to hear from MotionLingo regarding a new Beta firmware for my Adeo, which I need very badly. Maybe today I will have an answer. I will update this thread as soon as I hear something. I sent off an email today to Jeff Lovjoy the creator of the Adeo.

UPDATE: I spoke to Jeff at MotionLing this afternoon and he said that they were extremly busy doing development projects, and that he would get back to me. It is now 9:32PM and I have just heard from Jeff and he is hopping to have a new Beta by the end of the weekend.


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