Beautiful day to ride.

At 11:00 AM this morning I went out for what I was hoping would be a 20+ mile ride, but unforeseen circumstances prevented this from happening. It was a total disaster as far as my goals for today were. First the new Sigma computer was reading Cadence very erratic, one second it read the RPM the next it would go to zero and remain there. I had to scroll through the computer options ending back at cadence and it sometimes would start. A little farther down the road the speed would not register, on further examination I realized that the mounts I built the other day had come loose. Well to be honest, I built them on a day that my back and neck were giving me a huge amount of pain. So I was not concentrating very well and must have forgotten to tighten them up. In a way I think it turned out well as I modified the mounts internally so they couldn't move around. Time will tell if they will work as I expect them to. I also replaced two of the bolts at the lower fixing point. After I returned home I took a look at the computer and cadence sensor and decided that maybe it was installed in the wrong orientation, so I reversed it. I also moved the magnet and ran a test, and guess what it worked. But in my defense it worked the way it was mounted before. I took the trike for a short ride to check if it was working and it was.

The next thing on the agenda for this afternoon was to go to Halters Cycle to pick up my Bell Faction Helmet. While I was there Chris gave me a Rotor Cranks head sweat, and a few stickers from Rotor. They had gotten another large order of Q-Rings, I have got to save some bucks and get the inner Q-Ring. The helmet is really nice looking and the color stands out. I mounted the camera mount on the right side of the helmet, and will test the setup on the next nice day.


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