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As of today the 32oz container containing my True Goo is on its way and should be here on the 21st. The ICE mount should be shipped on the 22nd or 23rd. The flag whip has been shipped and should be here by Tuesday of this week.

While adjusting the alignment of the Black Widow I noticed that the bronze bushings that are on the tie-rod were cracked and deformed. I tend to believe that the induced oscillation might be caused by these loose and deformed fittings. One of the members on forum suggested that I use axle cones instead of the bronze bushings. So I went to two bike stores to try and locate some, but I had no luck. When I got home I was in the garage, and sitting in the corner was a damaged wheel from one of my sons old bikes. I removed the two cones and installed them on the trike linkage. The fit was fantastic and a great improvement over the bushings. I am hoping that the weather remains clear and gets a little warmer so that I can take the trike out for a test ride. I have posted a photo of the cones so that you can see how well they fit. The cones are the little black units located under the ti-rod ends. I will have to get a needle grease gun so that I can lubricate the steering knuckles and my pedals.

I plan on purchasing a new tube for the rear tire and remove the tube that has the Slime. The slime has clogged the valve on that tire preventing easy inflation. I will replace the tube and fill it with True Goo as True Goo does not clog the valves. I have decided not to use it in the front tires for a while, as the tires seem bulletproof. If the oscillation goes away I will be extremely happy.


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