Ride Report and Mishap!

At 11:30 AM this morning I set out on my ride, it was sunny and 33 degrees. As usual lately there was a strong wind of 8 Mph with gusts exceeding 14 Mph coming from the SW making riding very hard to say the least. I rode a different route today which took me on some rural roads, but I was unable to get to the canal do to massive flooding of Canal Road. The elevation gain on this ride was 110' on the 12.08 miles I rode. My maximum speed was 26.3 Mph and my average speed was 12.81 Mph. I burnt 563 calories, and that was from pushing air.

This coming spring I will map out some new routes for my daily workouts. I think I will combine my Kendall Park loop with my South Middlebush Road loop, this will make it more of a challenge.

On todays ride I had a equipment failure in the audio department. The mount for my speakers broke and the speaker fell from the trike and slid 20 to 30 feet before coming to a stop. Not only was it not destroyed it still works completely. I mounted the speakers back on the trike in a temporary manner until the new speakers get here from Hong Kong. As of this morning the speakers are still waiting to leave Hong Kong by Airmail, I hope I have them by next week.


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