Ride Report and Mega Horn delivery.

This morning at 11:00 AM I headed out for my local loop and completed 14.27 miles with an average speed of 12.63 Mph. I climbed a total of 180' over the course of the ride. The temperature was 45 degrees and the wind was out of the North at 11 MPH gusting to 15 Mph. The bad thing was the complete climb was with the wind in my face. Since I have been using the Adeo GPS Trainer I have a 1 Mph speed gain over each ride, so the Adeo is doing its work. I guess having my speed and average speed read out to me as I ride is a physiological plus for me.

My package containing my MegaHorn was found and I picked it up at the Post Office this morning. It took five minutes and I had it installed and working. The sound is not as loud as the ThunderHorn, but it is plenty loud and it has a wobbling sound to it. I will post a photo at a later date.


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