Beautiful and non-eventful ride!

This morning I started my ride at 9:00 AM and the temperature was a cool 61 degrees, by the time I was back home the temperature was 71 degrees. The weather was partly cloudy, with a 1 mph wind out of the NNW. I rode some of the local development streets and local country lanes. It seemed like I was the only one on the road, and I had a good chance to relax and let my mind wander. It is not often that I get to clear my head, and do one of my favorite things. I look forward to these lazy days, and it is a shame that there aren't many of these. Sometimes when I ride I think of all the things wrong with this world, but the riding seems to wash these thoughts away. On the way home a car pulled up along side and the driver blew his horn and the passenger gave me a thumbs up. I didn't mind the salute, but it scared me half to death, it was a good thing I didn't swerve or lose my cool, it would have been disastrous!

I received conformation that the spacers for the disc breaks have been shipped as well as the decals. I am hoping that Jamie from R-Sports ships the wheel covers this coming week, as I am anxious to start this project.


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