Cooler but windy!

This morning I headed for the back roads in the area for a short ride, I wanted to do about 10+ miles if possible. The roads seemed more crowded than normal, and filled with some of the most erratic drivers I have seen in a long time. I was riding a 5 foot wide shoulder in the center, when car after car would try to pass another car making a turn and ride on to the shoulder just missing me by just a few feet and sometimes by inches. It wasn't that I couldn't be seen, it was more the fact that people are oblivious of what goes on around them. One driver came alongside and yelled nice ride and then proceeded to cut into the shoulder and cut me off. I was glad when I left that section of the road. The roads I were on are small local roads with very sharp and high crowns, which make it hard for two cars to pass yet alone for me to ride on a trike. These roads have been re-topped so many times that the edge of the road to the edge of the soil is sometimes as high as a foot. There has been many a car that has gone off the edge and has found themselves on there side. I continued my ride with out incident, but after 16 miles of fools and poor roads I went home. I will avoid this area when ever possible. The ride conditions for today were 87 degrees with a strong wind of 10 mph coming out of the N.

I am thinking about changing my cranks to 154 mm from 170 mm. I will also change the chain rings to take advantage of the shorter cranks and the increased cadence. There are not to many options open using the square taper bottom bracket. One that is not to expensive is the Shimano 440, which I can get in the length I need. I will start putting my pennies away.


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