Seat Wedge out for delivery

This morning I prepared the seat on the Black Widow to accept the new seat wedge. I am expecting that the addition of the wedge will make longer rides more comfortable. Sometimes I feel like I am slipping off the front of the seat. Not as much as I felt on the HP seat, which was most of the time. The seat wedge is on the Fedex truck out for delivery, and I hope it gets here early, but with Fedex who knows. I have removed the Velcro from the seat base, so it is easier to apply the 3M #45 General Purpose Spray Adhesive. I will UPDATE this blog as things progress. I will also add a photograph of this modification and what had to be done to get it to work.
The seat wedge was delivered and it took only a few minutes to install. It took just a few cuts with a sharp knife to adjust, then glued it down to seat base. I then glued the cushion to the seat base.

I have also provided a photo of the Power Beam mounted on Space Grip.
UPDATE: I took the Black Widow out for a test of the new seat wedge, and it lived up to my expectations. I no longer feel that I am slipping off the front of the seat and it holds well in a turn. It will take a few days to get accustomed to the feel, but I am sure it will be fine. I had to reposition the cushion because it didn't overlap in the front of the seat as it should. But now it is fine tuned.