Rain Keeps Falling!
Well today seems to be another day that my ride has been washed out by rain. Right now it is pouring and the temperature is a beautiful 73 degrees. Nice temperature to ride in but not with this rain. I am so depressed, between the weather and the way my back feels, I am having a horrible day, and it just started.
The nice part of the day came when my daughter sent me a gift certificate from EBay, and I promptly ordered the CatEye LD1000 tail light. That will now eliminate my fear of not being seen. As my last post said , I was planning to get a mini lawn sail for the trike, but I think I am going to opt for something less ostentatious. My idea is to have a dual sided flag made with the MARS HPV logo on both sides of an orange flag. The flag will be triangle and approximately. 11"X14". I am going to post the picture of the club logo. I think with the flag of this size I will be able to remove the two smaller flags, or maybe just one of them.