Today's Ride

This afternoon I took my usual run, but felt that something didn't feel as it should. It felt like I was having a hard time keeping speed. So I checked the drive train and that looked fine, I then tested tire pressure and found each tire to be 20 lbs short. I tried to use a gas station pump, but I couldn't add any air to the tires. I grabbed my pump and pumped up each tire to the required 100 lbs. The ride felt a bit rough, but maintaining speed was not a problem. The completion of my 11 miles went without incident. As usual there was a huge amount of road and utility work. It seems that all the utility companies decided to work on there new cables on the same road and same days. There was telephone trucks, electric and cable company trucks, plus at least 5 different lawn service trucks. Felt like I was driving in the big city.

I am hoping that ActionBent will get there fenders in soon, with all the construction going on I am getting rocks hitting the back of my seat all the time.

Still no package from Nashbar, the speed that the USPS moves packages is horribly slow to say the least.


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