Holiday ride yesterday!
Yesterday I only rode 6 miles, really nothing to speak about. My wife wanted to go to some antique shops which were one and a half HRS away, so we had to start early. After we got there we found that our friend over stated the amount of stores by 90% and it was a waste of gas and time. Both of us were very annoyed, and needed some comfort, so we drove another hour to Philadelphia, PA to have lunch at a place we like a huge amount. After lunch we headed home and stopped on the way for me to buy some athletic shoes. Then it was home to relax.
Today I will move the chain to its new location on the new tube mounts I fabricated. I have already cut and mounted the tubes to the new mounts. I will post some pictures when it is finished and tested.
Update: I relocated the chain to the new tube mounts, but had to modify the mount to allow for better alignment. I was able to test ride the trike and in the 12 miles I did, I was able to see a speed increase of about 2 MPH. The decreased friction I assume is the cause for the increase in top end. Peddling did feel easier, and there was little or no noise. The only downside is that I have to keep my chain very clean to prevent my calf from getting greasy. I guess that there is more positive than there is negative in doing this change. I think this should have been done by the manufacture rather than the end user.