Delaware & Raritan Canal Ride!

This morning I loaded the trike in my SUV to head south to Kingston, New Jersey and one of the access points for the Delaware & Raritan Canal trail. I had the intension to do 5 miles each way, but I ended doing 14 miles total.

The trail is a mixture of compressed soil and small gravel. It is not the type of ride a person would do with 1-2.5" tires. Most people would use a Mountain Bike with 2+ tires. But I decided to take my chances. The ActionBent Trike did handle itself great, it was a bit of a rough ride, but very enjoyable. I would surely do it again. The trail is basically continuous but there are spots where you have to cross busy rural roads. I was careful, and had no problems. There are a few short up grades, but nothing to speak of. I was able to do between 8 and 10 mph and in a few places 15 mph. There was one obstacle that I had to cross which was a spill-way, and I walked across going and rode across going back. The scenery was beautiful, and I am including a few photos.


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