Mountain Mirrycle Mirror Extension

Yesterday I started and completed a 1" extension for each of my two Mirrycle mirrors. The 1" extensions bring the mirrors out away from the trike making the new field of vision unobstructed by my arms. All the parts were available from my local Home Depot. I got the idea from Utah Trikes blog article. Below is a photo of the completed extension. I think it came out real nice.
Yesterday I also completed or should I say modified my two handlebar accessory mounts.  I felt the use of Ty-Wraps wasn't a professional method of mounting the mounts to the handlebars.  What I did was purchase four Stainless Steel hose clamps and some heat shrink tubing from Home Depot.  I then carefully put the hose clamps around the handlebar and accessory mount trying not to scratch the paint. Once on I marked the hose clamp with a marker behind the screw.  I removed the clamps and cut heat shrink from the screw to the mark. I proceeded to slip on the cut heat shrink and heat over the gas range until tight.  I was no ready to install the clamps with no fear of damaging the paint on the handlebars.  Below is a photo of the completed mount.


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