
Showing posts from September, 2008


A s of yesterday the oozing of my surgical wound has stopped completely. That alone is a good sign. The area is a little swollen and warm to the touch. The swelling might just be some fluid that didn't escape and will be absorbed by my body in time. I see the Doctor Wednesday morning so maybe I can get back to riding soon.

Why no posts

W hen I returned from my vacation in Europe I had a few days before I reported to the hospital for spinal surgery. I was operated on September 9th and am healing a little slow as my wound is still oozing. The doctors informs me not to worry, but it is messy and just a pain in the back. I am unable to be up and out of bed for to long a time as of now I am still extremely tired. The good news is that the pain in my left leg seems to be gone, but I now have pain in my lower left back and groin. Chances are I strained myself getting in and out of bed. I will post when I have more news.