Wind, Wind & More Wind!

This morning I took a look out side and the sky was totally gray and cloud covered. The rain looked like it was on the way. I thought that today would be a lost day as far as riding goes. Since my office is located in the basement and there are no windows, I never know what the weather is like unless I look outside. The internet weather at 10:00 AM said that there was currently rain and heavy clouds. At 10:30 AM I decided to go up stairs for a drink, and looked out side and it was a bright sunny day. I thought now is my chance! I ran up stairs and changed, put some sun screen on and went down to wait the mandatory 15 or more minutes for the sunscreen to work. The time was not wasted, I filled up my water bottle and then answered some email. At 10:50 AM I locked the house and headed out for a local ride. The longest leg of my ride is on State Route 27 which has a shoulder 90% of the way, and makes it really not a bad ride. The wind was out of the NE at 15 MPH which meant that on the longest run I would have 15 MPH wind in my face. I was like having an anchor connected to the trike. I was moving along on other legs at 12 to 15 MPH and having a blast. When I hit Route 27 my speed dropped to 8 or 9 MPH, but I still did 14 nice miles, which made me feel great.

Another day has gone by and no package from Nashbar. I wish someone would hit me in the head when I say I am going to buy from them again. It has to be a hell of a lot cheaper before I do this again.


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