Hard ride today do to the strong winds!

Today was one of the hardest rides I have encountered in a long time. The winds were very strong and variable. The low wind speed was 12 mph and the high gusts were 22 mph.  The weather reports did not show this, but I have my own weather station which I find more accurate.  I rode my usual route and had to slow for some rough roads from construction, it never ends.

When I went out to the garage this morning my rear tire was low again, so I pumped it up and rode.  While riding I looked for signs of a slow leak such as the Flat Attack sealant on the surface of the tire. Found none. I then thought maybe the valve stem is loose as I did remove it to install the sealant.  Sure enough it needed about two or three turns, I hope that is the problem.  I will know more in a day or so.  My ride stats are below.


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