First ride is a nightmare.

This morning I headed out before the heat hit us, expecting a slow start, and a good end.  Well things didn't go as expected.  First off, my legs felt like rubber and I had a hell of a time keeping 9 mph.  Next I ended up behind a truck that was carrying a wide load and riding on the shoulder and the only lane, so I was breathing in the fumes. Next at 5 miles from home I got a flat. at the neck of the valve. A rough hole in the rim from when it was drilled for the valve stem.  I went to get a spare tube from my bag and found it split at the seam.  I now had to walk all the way home. To say this was a bad first ride of the season is a huge under statement. Maybe tomorrow will be better.  I had to install a Presta tube as that was all I can find with a long stem.


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