Schools back and my first scary ride

This morning I headed out for my daily training ride, the weather was beautiful and the temperature was 69℉, with winds out of the SW at 9 mph.  I rode 10.15 miles in 40:26 minutes and burnt 560 calories.  My average speed was 15.1 mph while my top speed was 25.3 mph.  My average HR was 153 Bpm and my Max HR was 166 Bpm.

Riding today was a bit of a challenge, not do to weather but do to all the additional drivers on the road as school opened here today. I counted two near misses and three people backing out of driveways without looking.  I had to be more on my toes today than ever. All in all a great and enjoyable ride.

Friday I ordered the four bearings from Phil Wood web site, I hope to put them in the fron wheels this fall. Below are my ride stats for today.


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