MARS ride from NJ Bents in Hamilton Square

This morning went for a group ride with three other members of MARS. Steve Friedlander led the ride through West and East Windsor and Heightstown. We rode 22.05 miles under very cloudy skies. A few times it started to rain, but all in all we lucked out. My average speed was 14.0 mph and my max speed was 26.6 mph. I burnt 1,219 calories and my average HR was 137 bpm and my max HR was 169 bpm. The members that rode with me were Steve, Bert and Ming a potential member. When we returned to the bike shop Charlie was there and we were able to look around, and buy if we wanted. I will post photos once I receive them. Below are my stats.
L to R Steve, Bert, Ming next to the Black Widow



Front to Rear Bert, Steve and me
L to R Ming, Bert, Me,Steve

L to R Bert, Me, and Steve


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