Journal of a fustrated triker!

One of the main reasons for biking/triking is the health benefits. As a person living with chronic back and neck pain I know how much body weight effects my pain level.  I try very hard to maintain my weight to within a two pound range.  I also know that I gain a little after eating out during the weekend and this weekend was no different. But when I awoke this morning and did my usual weighing in, I found I had gained three pounds. To say the least I wasn't happy but I said to myself "I will not let this ruin my day".  After breakfast I filled my water bottle and headed out for my ride. The temperature was a fantastic 68℉ and a slight breeze. I headed out with not a care in the world and a good attitude. I slowly made my way past housing developments and open farm land expecting the ride to be uneventful.

I was now about one mile from home when the wind started to pick up to a strong head wind.  The wind was so strong at times I could barely move up the hills.  I pushed on expecting the wind to die down as quick as it started.  Well I was wrong the wind kept up and at times became even stronger across the fields.  The wind stayed with me the rest of the ride.

So as you can see my day was not going to well.  I came to the intersection of route 27 and at that location there are three lanes a right turn lane, a left turn lane and a straight lane.  I was in the center of the straight lane.  The light turned green for me and I started to move forward. Out of the corner of my eye I catch movement in the right mirror and I see two cars an SUV and a sedan passing me on the right, both were in the right turn lane. They continued straight missing my right mirror by inches.  By this time I was heading home and thought "nothing else can go wrong".  Boy was I wrong!  I was now heading down my next to last leg of my ride when from my right a huge black dog starts running toward me barking and snarling. I managed to zig and zag to get away. The dogs owner yells sorry about that.  I now am a few hundred yards past this dog when another dog lunges at me, this time he was on a leash and the its master pulled him back. Nether less I nearly sh_t my pants.  I was now heading up my street toward my home when directly in front of me a women walking her dog on one of those retractable leashes enters the road texting and not looking where she was going.  The dog was fifteen feet in front of her with the leash extended across my path. I had to swerve and jamb on the brakes. The last 20 feet to my driveway was uneventful. I am not sure if I should crawl up in bed or just lock myself in my bedroom.

The stats for this ride are as follows.  I rode 10.14 miles in 49:33 minutes at an average speed of 12.3 mph and a max speed of 20.9 mph.  I burnt 618 calories and climbed 287'. Below is from Garmin Connect, click on View Details to see the chart.


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