My thoughts on this dreary day!

I sit here and get depressed as this weather keeps me cooped up in the house with no place to go.  I am so looking forward to some better weather so that I can get on the trike and head out for a nice leisurely ride.  The weather over the last number of years has been horrible to say the least. We have had major snow and rain storms with very cold winter temperatures, and just plain unpredictable weather.

I think all the trike upgrades will be complete as soon as the two remaining items get delivered. The Lizard Skin Brake Lever Covers and the Cage Rocket are both getting shipped today at least that is what I have been told. The Cage Rocket was shipped via USPS and I am not sure how the Lever covers are going to be shipped. Either way they both should be here no later than Saturday as one comes from NY and the other from Ohio, which are normally a three day zone.

The Black Widow will need the tires pumped up to pressure and the frame polished once again as it has dust all over from the bottle cage modifications.  I am planning on redoing my web page as it is way behind with the new upgrades, but my software needs to be upgraded, and I don't have the cash now. The reason it doesn't work is that I am on a Mac now and the software was Windows. Yes I can run it in virtual mode, but this software runs slow and strange in virtual mode.

I hang out a huge amount on the forum, and read all about the new trikes the members are buying. Sometimes the thought goes through my little brain that maybe I should think about getting another trike.  But then I let that thought drop as I only want a trike with a hard Shell seat, and only three come to mind and all three are very expensive. The ICE is number one on my list, and if Catrike had a hard-shell seat it one move to number one as I like to buy from a US company if all possible. Some people ask me why a hard-shell over a lawn chair seat and there is only one answer I can give.  That answer is that I need the support for my back and neck if I want to continue riding.

If I think of anything else on this horrible day I will edit the post as I usually do.


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