A fool rides on!

Yesterday I started out with a very good attitude and ended up feeling like a fool. In the first five miles things started to go wrong. First I was on a two way street with one lane in each direction and I came to a traffic light. I pulled into the middle of the lane so any cars couldn't pull along side as I was going straight. A women pulls up on my left and is now alongside me half in my lane and half in the opposing lane. When the light changed to green she moved forward and started to make a right turn directly in front of me. I had to jamb on my brakes and swerve right to avoid getting hit. What a way to start a ride. Now the next problem arose when I pulled to the side of the road to take a drink, and I applied my two parking brakes since I was at the top of the hill. After taking my drink I started down hill but felt like it was hard to pedal. I continued on my way and felt I had no more strength in my legs. I couldn't figure out why I was having such a hard time. I got to the top of the next hill and I was about ready to collapse when I realized I still had both parking brakes on. Now you know why I called my self a fool. Maybe I should have said village Idette. I rode a little over ten miles with a average speed of 11.4 Mph and a maximum speed of 26.4 Mph.


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