Ride ended do to rain and strong winds.

After a light lunch I headed out the door for my ride. The weather at the time was partly cloudy. I rode about 3.5 miles and all of a sudden the sky turned dark gray and the rain started to fall. As I headed home the winds started to pick up and become very gusty. By the time I reached home I had 4.0 miles rode at an average speed of 11.39 mph, and a max speed of 17.4 mph. The temperature dropped at least 5 degrees and the wind was now a constant 11 mph with much stronger gusts. I am lucky I got a few miles in today as the next 5 days call for rain.

spent part of the morning polishing the trike and getting to the hard spots I missed the other day. I haven't decided on my next project, but I am sure something will come to mind.


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