Expensive Ride

I went out at 11:30 Am for my daily ride, and everything was going well until I noticed that my cell phone was not in my pocket. I immediately turned around to retrace my route, and rode back about two miles until I found the phone. A lot of good that did as my phone was rode over by a car or truck. It no longer worked so I was not in the mood to continue my ride as without a phone I would not feel secure on these country roads. I rode 9.76 miles with an average speed of 11.80 mph and a top speed of 22.3 mph. The weather was great with a temperature of 73 degrees with a wind out of the N at 6 mph. I hope I get my new phone tomorrow morning so I can ride in the afternoon.

When I got home I rode over to Verizon Wireless to replace my phone, but was unable to as I had to call the insurance company that I have protection on the phone with. I had to pay a $50.00 deductible for a phone replacement. It is shipped out DHL so tomorrow I will have the new phone.

This morning I did some routine work on the trike including lubricating the chain with Dumonde Tech Lite, and polishing the frame. The chain was very clean which means I have been using the chain lubrication correctly.


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