Slow as you go!

Today I was hopping to start my ride early this morning, but the power gods turned off the power at 5:45 AM so I was unable to open the garage door. I tried the emergency release, but it was above my wifes car and just out of my reach. The power returned at 12:00 PM and I started riding soon after. I rode for 1 hour two minutes and 54 seconds and covered 13.28 miles at an average speed of 12.68 miles per hour and a top speed of 25.30. I was planning to ride twenty miles today, but the late start and the high temperatures prevented this. I was able to burn 643 calories, which was not my goal today. Yesterday was a wash out do to thunder storms. The temperature at the start of my ride was 91 degrees and 95 at the end. The winds were out of the SW at 4 mph which isn't bad at all so I have no complaints.


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