Heat and Strong Winds

I left my house at 11:30 after coming back from the eye doctor to start my ride. It was a big mistake as my eyes were still dilated and I had blurry vision from time to time. By the time I realized that it was really not to good an idea I was on my way home. I rode 13.22 miles and burnt 640 calories. My average speed was 11.69 do to strong winds and poor road conditions. My max speed was 23.30 mph, and total ride time was one hour eight minutes and one second. The wind was from the East at 6-14 mph with gusts exceeding 25 mph. The temperature was 88 degrees, wich wasn't that bad, but the humidity was high. One of the roads I use daily for my ride was being patched today with dry patch which caused riding to be very slow and making for a poor road surface. I think the patching made the road conditions piss poor, and the patch was sticking to my tires and it made them feel rough even after leaving the road. I had to clean off the chips on the tires before proceeding on.


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