Wind swept ride report.

I went out to ride a little late today, but the weather was much cooler this morning and I didn't feel like dressing for cooler weather. It was 12:45 when I finally got my butt moving, and by that time the winds was howling. The winds of late have been very strong and today was no exception. The winds were from the North North West at 10-21mph with gusts exceeding the high 30mph range. There were times that I was cruising along at 20mph and the wind quickly reduced that to 10mph and less. My average speed today on this 10.07 mile loop was 12.16mph with a high speed of 22.40mph. I burnt 469 calories, but it felt like 4,000. I have to head for the shower as my face feels like it has embedded grit all over it. I can actually see the dirt and sand in the hair of my arms, making for a very unlikeable feeling. For the last 5 rides I have been drinking Fruit 2'0 Hydration instead of water and find it not bad at all. I have to pick up a few more bottles.


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