All went well!

All the changes I made to the mounts for the fenders went very well. After today's ride I added some rubber washers behind the mounting screws to prevent any possible rattle. Tomorrow if the weather is OK I will test the setup. The Cadence computer now works perfectly, as well does the speed sensor.

Today's ride was a relatively short one, I did 10.39 miles before I had to head home. My average speed was 13.28 Mph and a top speed of 23.84. The weather was a nice 65 degrees and the wind was very strong at 17 Mph out of the NNE. I burnt 484 calories at a moderate exercise level. Today I made my first video using the Archos 504 and the Helmet Camcorder. This video was far from good as I had a problem with the camera mount. The camera rotated in the mount and everything was on an angle. I have since did a fix on the mount and I will test it soon. Here is a link to the first Video I have ever done. As I write this I still haven't seen it on the You Tube server. I am trying to upload the Google version. All I can say is that You Tube compresses the video so much that it destroys the clarity of the video. Maybe Google Video will be better.

The MotionLingo fix to the desktop software seems to have solved a problem I had with elevation stats. Today's chart was on the money, so I don't expect any more problems. The only consequence is that I have to wait an additional 30 seconds to start the ride.


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