Customer Service Woes!

For the past week I have been in email contact with Minoura regarding a broken accessory mount called the Minoura Besso LH-50. I had this mount on my trike and it broke during a ride. The mount came off the trike taking my light with it. I was unable to find the light or the broken mount. My email correspondence included how it was broken, where I was riding and how I felt that the mount broke. The response from Minoura has been question after question about how it broke, did it hit the ground etc. I explained in the first email to them that it fell off the trike and was lost. Now they ask for photos of the broken mount, all I have is the clamp since the rest was lost. I was asked by Minoura to be patient and they will let me know if they will replace it. From the gist of these emails I will be very surprised if they replace the faulty mount.

In the meantime I had figured that I would have to do something to replace the mount if Minoura doesn't come through with the replacement. I decided to build my own mount. I headed out to the garage ans went into my parts box to see what I could find. I found a clamp from an old discarded bike light which was a good start. I then headed over to Home Depot with an idea in my head on how to make my mount. I purchased two plastic hole plugs and two CPVC pipe adapters. I headed home and started to assemble my new mount with Lightning Bond which is like a super glue but bonds almost anything including plastic. This glue has a filler to close gaps etc. Below is the mount I built, and I hope it will serve the purpose until Minoura sends me a mount or I purchase another.


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